Why is My Home Air Filter Turning Black?

The air filter is a crucial part of your home's HVAC system, and it's important to keep it clean and in good condition. If you've noticed that your air filter is black instead of the usual gray layer of dust and dirt, that's not normal. There are several possible causes for a black air filter, including soot, mold, and clogging. The air filter is very clogged.

If neither soot nor mold causes the air filter to turn black, it is likely to be very clogged. When the air filter is clogged, it can restrict airflow, hampering your home's indoor air quality while damaging your HVAC system in the process. The air filter is black because of soot. Soot is a by-product of burning candles.

One of the first things you should do if you have a black air filter is to check for carbon monoxide. At high concentrations, carbon monoxide is hazardous to health and could even be fatal. When gas or exhaust gas leaks in your home, carbon monoxide can leave a soot-like appearance on the filter. Otherwise, the gas is colorless and odorless. The problem could come from the oven itself or from somewhere else in the house.

When you turn on your air conditioner, the evaporator coil will get damp from condensation. If left for a long period of time, that condensation will mix with dust and dirt and form black mold. This mold will grow and eventually spread to your oven and filter. Mold can also appear in ducts, especially in parts of the home that are exposed to humid conditions, such as a basement. After the humid summer we've had, it's a good idea to check it, regardless of the color of the air filter.

Regular maintenance and cleaning will help keep mold out of your HVAC equipment and ensure that it doesn't cause the air filter to turn black. If you have a black air filter, first look for black soot and mold. If you don't have either, try to refrain from using candles and increase the number of times you dust. When you check the filter again, you should see a difference. We recommend checking the air filter every 30 days. If necessary, replace or clean the filter.

You should not go more than 3 months without changing the air filter. Unfortunately, homes in humid areas are prone to mold. In Florida, air conditioning systems can provide the perfect habitat for mold growth. Mold Can Make You and Your Family Seriously Sick. Symptoms of mold disease can include sore throat, stuffy nose, cough, wheezing, and eye irritation.

Immediately replace moldy filters with fresh air filters and schedule an appointment with your local HVAC technician. Scented candles can add a relaxing touch to your home. But they can also be to blame for black soot in air filters. Excessive soot buildup from candles can lower the efficiency of air filters. All you have to do is cut the candle wicks to a quarter of an inch before lighting them.

This will prevent the candles from leaving black soot on the air filters. You can also try all-natural candles made from soy, which will help reduce soot. Maybe neither mold nor soot are to blame. If that's the case, you're probably dealing with a clogged air filter. Failure to change air filters can restrict airflow, which decreases indoor air quality in the home and puts excessive pressure on the air conditioning system. Ovens can be overwhelming if you're not familiar with how they work and finding a black air filter doesn't help. Listen to candle lovers, if you've noticed that your air filters are black, your fragrant home decor could be to blame. While it's natural for dust to build up on air filters, it's not that air filters turn black. This causes improper combustion in the furnace, which can leave a black buildup on the air cleaner. If you burn candles regularly in your home, this is most likely the main reason why the air filter is black, especially if you burn scented candles. In addition, while your system will not work effectively, it will continue to operate for long periods of time and will deteriorate due to increased air tension that cannot easily pass through the filter. If that pipe is broken or clogged, or if your air conditioning system has some type of back pressure, that moisture can be transferred to the air filters. If mold and soot aren't to blame, it's probably just a heavily clogged air filter.